Monday, August 8, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday - The Screwtape Letters

The Screwtape Letters
by: C.S. Lewis

Genre: Christian Fiction
Rating: 5 Stars

This satire is a series of letters of an upper-level devil named Screwtape to his nephew Alcorn in regards to the best ways of keeping one from becoming a Christian. It systematically sheds light on all of the faults and foibles of human kind that keep them from religion.

I love this book. Lewis manages to point out exactly all of the nuances of human nature that can be used either for us or against us. The younger and more inexperienced tempter does his best to draw the Christian away with the bigger sins of adultery, greed and anger. These are the things which seem like they have the biggest impact yes? Well as Screwtape advises his young charge he explains that it is the smaller of the sins- those of thought, laziness, and bad intentions which are the most destructive.

An example that sticks out to me is the advice of distraction. Screwtape advises his nephew to make the human focus on the faults of the people around him when his is at the church service rather than pay attention to the meeting itself. He tells the younger tempter to make the man focus on the faults of all the others and remember how one has offended him. Lewis has done a masterful job in making us see the gravity of participating in such seemingly trivial matters.

This book caused me to really look inside myself to gauge where I am at in my life and if I am content with staying there. It brought up so many points in neat, concise writing that it was necessary to slow down and to ponder them. For all that it was done in a witty manner and so beautifully written as well.  

This is a MUST-read for all Christians and a book which should be discussed with friends and family.  

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