The Sisters Mederos
By: Patrice Sarath
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Rating: 4.5 stars
House Mederos was once the wealthiest merchant family in Port Saint Frey. Now the family is disgraced, impoverished, and humbled by the powerful Merchants Guild. Daughters Yvienne and Tesara Mederos are determined to uncover who was behind their family's downfall and get revenge. But Tesara has a secret - could it have been her wild magic that caused the storm that destroyed the family's merchant fleet? The sisters' schemes quickly get out of hand - gambling is one thing, but robbing people is another...
Together the sisters must trust each another to keep their secrets and save their family.
Together the sisters must trust each another to keep their secrets and save their family.
My Thoughts:
This was so much fun! It was well paced, characters well developed, and the build up to the end had me wishing I could read so much faster.
What I greatly enjoyed was having two such very different sisters working together to bring their family some of their previous prestige. Tesara, broken hands but still deft with cards - she is quiet, she is calculating and she learns to control her magic. Yvienne grows cold, cunning and can't seem to quit the game as the notorious robber.
I loved my growing suspense as I read it. Reading it in 2 sittings was great. Lots of thoughts of "don't trust them - don't do it" or "calm down! Quit while you're ahead!" Books that getting me to physically root for a character make me happy and this was one of those books.
Points I would have liked more of - Is magic a common thing or at least a known thing in this particular world? What exactly was the fallout at the end? It did feel just a titch rushed as they were trying to tie everything up with enough bows that I was happy with it, simultaneously leaving enough loose ends that I want a sequel.
Points I would have liked less of - THE PARENTS ARE THE WORST! like I get they are broken and whatnot from what happened to them, but they seem to have no redemptive qualities. ZERO. They snipe at each other and their daughters and for all Mama goes on about bettering the house, she doesn't seem to be doing much does she? They felt a little bit one dimensional and more like plot devices rather than characters.
All in all this was a fun read and one that I can't wait to follow up on.