Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Ninth Hour...

The AcadémieJenna StarbornFinished Jenna review will be forthcoming in the next few days. But I can say that I am happy I am moving on to other things. I also finished 500 words of my paper...1000 more to go! But as I am now taking a work break, I won't be able to really finish working on it until 6. Oh well it isn't really due until midnight so I have time.

Happy readings to you all. I am going on and finishing up The Academie by Susanna Dunlap. Isn't that a pretty cover? She always has covers that I adore. I hope the book is just as good! Check back with you later!


It is paper isn't done, I had to work for 3 hours and I just want to read! Why do teachers do this to us?

ALL DONE!!! YAY, Now I can do the next 12 hours unimpeded by stupid things like papers...


  1. You're making great progress! :D *\o/*

  2. Yay for unencumbered reading! Sounds like you've earned it. The Academie does have a pretty awesome cover. Looking forward to hearing whether the book lives up to its promise!

    Happy reading! =)


I'm back? Maybe

 I honestly don't think people are reading this - and I'm really only wanting to do this to try and 1) add some order to my life and...